Stephen the King, final farewell, 20 August, 2008, Dóm square, festival, open-air RF - h1391997482
outdoor performance, Levente Szörényi, János Bródy, celebrate, hungarians RF - h1047133003
Szeged, Pál Feke, rockopera, Koppany, Imre Vadkerti, Szeged, 2008 RF - h1256032891
Stephen the King, Szeged Open-Air Festival, rockopera, Szeged, Dóm square RF - h1104141393
costume, performer, evening, people, Geza, lord, for a Dóm, Szeged RF - h1010916044
bit player, church, performer, Szeged Open-Air Festival, stage, Hungary RF - h1186494058
of the foundation of the state, celebrate, holiday, to head the bill RF - h1078830170
lord, dress rehearsal, 20 August, hungarians, genus, performance, Szeged RF - h1158474855
saints day, costume, Stephen the King, composer, king, opera, Hungary RF - h1034336252
saints day, final farewell , father, hir son, prelate, open-air, outdoor, theatre RF - h1024463344
choreographer, masses, performance, open-air, Stephen the King RF - h1167989642
Zoltan Zsurafszki, dance ensamble, scene, hungarians, Stephen the King RF - h1232432249