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apple, pear, fruit, health, healthy, air, basket, red, green, drone, brown, yellow, spotty, breed, shiny, cane, basketwork, wintry, summer, russet pear, warden, uscious, sweet, acerbic, sleepy, ripe, unseasoned, core, jacket, luscious, vitamins, cover, spread, table cloth, chequered pattern, orange colour, CD 0014, Kiss László, László Kiss
apple, pear, fruit, health, healthy, air, red, green, drone, brown, yellow, spotty, shiny, summer, warden, uscious, sweet, acerbic, sleepy, ripe, unseasoned, core, jacket, vitamins, basket, breed, cane, basketwork, wintry, russet pear, luscious, cover, spread, table cloth, chequered pattern, orange colour, CD 0014, Kiss László, László Kiss
apple, pear, fruit, health, healthy, air, red, green, drone, brown, yellow, spotty, shiny, summer, warden, uscious, sweet, acerbic, sleepy, ripe, unseasoned, core, jacket, vitamins, basket, breed, cane, basketwork, wintry, russet pear, luscious, CD 0014, Kiss László, László Kiss
apple, pear, fruit, health, healthy, air, red, green, drone, brown, yellow, spotty, shiny, summer, warden, uscious, sweet, acerbic, sleepy, ripe, unseasoned, core, jacket, vitamins, basket, breed, cane, basketwork, wintry, russet pear, luscious, CD 0014, Kiss László, László Kiss
basket, drone, pear
RF - u1161525686
pear, vitamins, spread
RF - u1282890676
shiny, summer, warden
RM - u1242189310
apple, pear, fruit
RM - u1317172891

garden, fruit, orchard, fruit skin, fruit jacket, fruit tree, branch, bough, twig, branches, deadwood, dead bough, yellow, reddish, day, daytime, sunlight, ripe, unseasoned, overripe, weazened, tree, pear, pears, two pears, pear tree, pear trees, plant, outdoors, outside, mildew, black, spotty, dry-rotten, rotten, fly, to ferment, to yeast, fermentation, yeast, season, autumn, warden, stewed fruit, conserve, bottled fruit, to mature, sleepy, core, jacket, form, shape, candied peel, pear shape, color, colour, colors, colours, sagging, to sag, CD 0014, Kiss László, László Kiss
pear trees, yellow, reddish, plant, outdoors, outside, garden, fruit, orchard, fruit skin, fruit jacket, fruit tree, branch, bough, twig, branches, deadwood, dead bough, day, daytime, sunlight, ripe, unseasoned, tree, pear, pears, two pears, pear tree, overripe, weazened, mildew, black, spotty, dry-rotten, rotten, season, autumn, warden, stewed fruit, conserve, bottled fruit, to mature, sleepy, core, jacket, form, shape, candied peel, pear shape, color, colour, colors, colours, sagging, to sag, CD 0014, Kiss László, László Kiss
fruit skin, fruit jacket, fruit tree, branch, bough, twig, branches, deadwood, dead bough, yellow, reddish, day, daytime, tree, pear, pears, two pears, pear tree, pear trees, plant, outdoors, outside, garden, fruit, orchard, sunlight, ripe, unseasoned, overripe, weazened, mildew, black, spotty, dry-rotten, rotten, season, autumn, warden, stewed fruit, conserve, bottled fruit, to mature, sleepy, core, jacket, form, shape, candied peel, pear shape, color, colour, colors, colours, sagging, to sag, CD 0014, Kiss László, László Kiss
tree, pear, plant, outdoors, outside, garden, fruit, orchard, fruit tree, branch, bough, twig, yellow, day, sunlight, ripe, unseasoned, season, autumn, core, color, colour, colors, colours, CD 0014, pear tree, pear trees, deadwood, dead bough, reddish, warden, sleepy, jacket, form, shape, pear shape, sagging, to sag, branches, pears, stewed fruit, conserve, bottled fruit, to mature, fruit skin, fruit jacket, candied peel, two pears, mildew, black, spotty, overripe, weazened, dry-rotten, daytime, Kiss László, László Kiss
twig, jacket, spotty, garden, fruit, orchard, fruit
RF - u1030740570
dead bough, black, weazened, outside, garden, fruit
RF - u1091068282
sunlight, autumn, to mature
RF - u1243568577
pear, shape, branches
RF - u1374781692

tree, pear, pears, season, autumn, warden, stewed fruit, conserve, bottled fruit, to mature, sleepy, core, jacket, form, shape, candied peel, pear shape, color, colour, colors, colours, sagging, to sag, two pears, pear tree, pear trees, plant, outdoors, outside, garden, fruit, orchard, fruit skin, fruit jacket, fruit tree, branch, bough, twig, branches, deadwood, dead bough, yellow, reddish, day, daytime, sunlight, ripe, unseasoned, CD 0014, Kiss László, László Kiss
tree, pear, plant, outdoors, outside, garden, fruit, orchard, fruit tree, branch, bough, twig, yellow, day, sunlight, ripe, unseasoned, season, autumn, core, color, colour, colors, colours, CD 0014, pear tree, pear trees, deadwood, dead bough, reddish, warden, sleepy, jacket, form, shape, pear shape, sagging, to sag, branches, pears, stewed fruit, conserve, bottled fruit, to mature, fruit skin, fruit jacket, candied peel, two pears, daytime, CD 0014, Kiss László, László Kiss
tree, pear, plant, outdoors, outside, garden, fruit, orchard, fruit tree, branch, bough, twig, yellow, day, sunlight, ripe, unseasoned, season, autumn, core, color, colour, colors, colours, CD 0014, pear tree, pear trees, deadwood, dead bough, reddish, warden, sleepy, jacket, form, shape, pear shape, sagging, to sag, branches, pears, stewed fruit, conserve, bottled fruit, to mature, fruit skin, fruit jacket, candied peel, two pears, daytime, CD 0014, Kiss László, László Kiss
tree, pear, plant, outdoors, outside, garden, fruit, orchard, fruit tree, branch, bough, twig, yellow, day, sunlight, ripe, unseasoned, season, autumn, core, color, colour, colors, colours, CD 0014, pear tree, pear trees, deadwood, dead bough, reddish, warden, sleepy, jacket, form, shape, pear shape, one, one piece, sagging, to sag, branches, pears, stewed fruit, conserve, bottled fruit, to mature, fruit skin, fruit jacket, candied peel, daytime, CD 0014, Kiss László, László Kiss
twig, colour, bottled fruit
RF - u1205545549
autumn, sleepy, jacket
RF - u1290398050
season, to mature, fruit skin
RF - u1201433150
pear tree, pear shape, fruit skin
RF - u1265336066

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