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apple, green, yellow, fruit, leaf, leaves, tree, limb, fruit tree, apple tree, mature, orchard, garden, agriculture, countryside, grower, farmer, gardener, nature, bio, health, healthy lifestyle, fitness, wellness, vitamins, delicious, juicy, round, eatable, edible, food, sunlight, sunshine, light, morning, growth, market, still-life, outdoors, knowledge, tree of knowledge, Eden, Europe, Hungary, shadow, burden, heavy, much, close-up, Kiss László, László Kiss
apple, green, yellow, fruit, leaf, leaves, tree, limb, fruit tree, apple tree, mature, orchard, garden, agriculture, countryside, grower, farmer, gardener, nature, bio, health, healthy lifestyle, fitness, wellness, vitamins, delicious, juicy, round, eatable, edible, food, sunlight, sunshine, light, morning, growth, market, still-life, outdoors, knowledge, tree of knowledge, Eden, Europe, Hungary, shadow, burden, heavy, much, blue sky, close-up, outside, Kiss László, László Kiss
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sunflower, close-up, core, cores, seeds, oil, sunflower-seed oil, blue, sky, blue sky, green, leaf, leaves, dry, dry leaf, bottom view, table, field, plow, countryside, nature, agriculture, blossom, bloom, flower, yellow, circle, round, sun, sunlight, sunshine, ripe, old, Kiss László, László Kiss
fruit tree, still-life, knowledge
RF - u1348443390
Europe, apple tree, agriculture
RF - u1242889974
sunflower, oil, diesel fuel, biodiesel
RF - u1366732648
sunflower, close-up, blue, sky
RF - u1239592801

biodiesel, fuel, gas, diesel, motor, sunflower, close-up, core, cores, seeds, oil, oils, blue, sky, blue sky, green, leaf, leaves, dry, dry leaf, bottom view, table, field, plow, countryside, nature, agriculture, blossom, bloom, flower, yellow, circle, round, sun, sunlight, sunshine, ripe, old, Kiss László, László Kiss
sunflower, sunflower field, oil, close-up, core, cores, seeds, oils, blue, sky, blue sky, green, leaf, leaves, dry, dry leaf, bottom view, table, field, plow, countryside, nature, agriculture, blossom, bloom, flower, yellow, circle, round, sun, sunlight, sunshine, ripe, old, standing, Kiss László, László Kiss
plant, nature, countryside, leaf, leaves, dry leaf, flower, black, vegetation, field, meadow, standing, close-up, eatable, edible, yellow, green, toxic, herb, illness, not edible, Kiss László, László Kiss
biodiesel, sunflower, sunlight, sunflower field
RF - u1095708951
sunflower, sunflower field, oil
RF - u1342691646
Black Flower
RF - u1050260469

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