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ascent, lift-off, take off, take-off, descent, airport, airfield, drome, flying field, aeroplane, aircraft, airplane, can, plane, cloud, powerplant, airliner, transportation, to fly, flying, passengers, sky, airstrip, wing, vane, to float, to wing, flew, flown, pilot, traveling, weather, radio-controll, radio controll, blue, white, green, grass, private-aeroplane, private-airplane, private-plane, private-can, control, govern, , prepare, offset, start, setout, change, transfer, harbor, harbour, billets, on plane, flight, kerosene, chartered, private, running track, I-DATP, Aitalia, Kiss László, László Kiss
airplane, plane, airstrip, ascent, lift-off, take off, take-off, descent, airport, airfield, drome, flying field, aeroplane, aircraft, can, sky, cloud, powerplant, airliner, wing, vane, to float, to wing, flew, flown, pilot, traveling, transportation, to fly, flying, passengers, KLM, Alitalia, weather, radio-controll, radio controll, blue, white, green, grass, private-aeroplane, private-airplane, private-plane, private-can, control, govern, , prepare, offset, start, setout, change, transfer, harbor, harbour, billets, on plane, flight, kerosene, chartered, private, running track, PH-BFG, I-BIMF, Kiss László, László Kiss
cigarette, cigar, fella, feller, smoke, chappy, chappie, alcohol, duty free shop, duty-free shop,  tax free shop, tobacco, passengers, waiting, airport, airfield, drome, flying field, change, transfer, terminal, passenger trade, drink, beer, fridge, refrigerant, customer, shopper, yellow, glazed tile, tiles, people, negro, black, snack, man, woman, scale, stairway, newsagent, traveling, transportation, on holiday, gate, refreshing, passenger, Dominican Republic, Puerto Plata, CD 0031, Kiss László, László Kiss
woman, sandwich, passengers, waiting, airport, airfield, drome, flying field, change, transfer, terminal, water, mineral water, passenger trade, drink, beer, cookie, candy, sweets, fridge, refrigerant, telephone booth, telephone-box, telephone-kiosk, customer, shopper, food, chow, dub, grub, scoff, tommy, blue, yellow, glazed tile, tiles, people, black, snack, chair, chairs, newsagent, traveling, transportation, on holiday, gate, refreshing, cola, coca-cola, coca-cola light, passenger, Dominican Republic, Puerto Plata, CD 0031, Kiss László, László Kiss
plane, airstrip, govern
RF - h1040698936
lift-off, private, airplane, plane, airstrip, pixelphoto, photo, pixel
RF - h1247256501
change, man, passenger
RF - h1105062738
food, snack, cola
RF - h1340737142

food, chow, dub, grub, scoff, tommy, sandwich, passengers, waiting, airport, airfield, drome, flying field, change, transfer, terminal, passenger trade, drink, beer, cookie, candy, sweets, fridge, refrigerant, happy, happiness, customer, shopper, blue, yellow, glazed tile, tiles, people, negro, black, snack, man, woman, scale, stairway, sac, newsagent, traveling, transportation, on holiday, striate, gate, refreshing, cola, coca-cola, coca-cola light, passenger, Dominican Republic, Puerto Plata, CD 0031, Kiss László, László Kiss
mill, antique, ancient, cuprum, coffee, coffee grinder, comminution, disintegrator, to drink coffee, coffee shop, coffee-room, drink, to drink, born, flavor, aroma, odor, perfume, scent, morning, black, caffeine, tarnished, rotary, fashionable, elegant, dressy, shic, pause, pasue
Guinness, Dublin, beer, drawer, draft beer, belvedere, business, bargain, buy, pub, fashionable, elegant, dressy, shic, tower, visitor, clouds, drink, spare-time, leisure, time, interior decoration, interior, interiors, entertainment, window, cloudy, sky
tomato, healthy, meal, fresh, air, shiny, growth, fruit, close-up, red, organic, color, colour, food product, groceries, tomato drink, tomato soup, ripe, picture, image, scenery, images, pictures, photo, foto, photos, photography, photographies, CD 0027, Kiss László, László Kiss
airport, tiles, stairway
RF - h1344808005
mill, antique, ancient, cuprum, coffee, coffee grinder, comminution
RF - h1387987080
Dublin, beer, Guinnes
RF - h1123028013
tomato, growth, scenery, tomato drink, tomato soup
RF - h1199803997

cheese, crescent roll, grapes, leaf, leaves, desk, food, fruit, dairy product, jug, pitcher, wine, drink, glass, packet, packing, pear, skin, Kiss László, László Kiss
cheese, grapes, apple, leaf, leaves, desk, cover, spread, table cloth, food, fruit, wine, drink, glass, packet, packing, basil, crescent roll, dairy product, jug, pitcher, curd cheese, cube, Kiss László, László Kiss
coffee, coffee box, packet, packing, household, drink, ribbon, cup, spoon, spoons, metal, metallic, aluminium, shiny, glass, crome, nickel, stainless, bitter, uscious, sweet, balmy, fragrant, redolent, steamy, reeking, blink, gleam, vacuum, packed, instant, gold, silver, gran, granulated, coffee color, drab, brown, milk, white coffee, coffee beans, Kiss László, László Kiss
coffee, coffee box, packet, packing, household, drink, cup, spoon, spoons, metal, metallic, aluminium, shiny, glass, crome, nickel, stainless, bitter, uscious, sweet, balmy, fragrant, redolent, steamy, reeking, blink, gleam, vacuum, packed, instant, gold, silver, gran, granulated, coffee color, drab, brown, milk, white coffee, coffee beans, Kiss László, László Kiss
cheese, grapes, glass
RF - u1394134519
basil, spread, glass
RF - u1158671744
household, packing, drink
RF - u1228474392
household, drink, packing
RF - u1193002359

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